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In September 2019 Sea Farms celebrated the successful launch of a new Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) in the Spanish region of Andalusia.


This important project will involve ongoing work to understand stock dynamics of freshwater crayfish and minimise the impact of fishing practices on the environment and biodiversity of the area.

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In collaboration with Sainsbury’s, PEBAGUA and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, colleagues worked for two years leading up to the launch with regional stakeholders, including the local fishing industry and the Government, to promote the benefits of initiating a FIP.


“By building knowledge of the crayfish fishery for the coming years, the project will allow us to manage the resource sustainably,” said Elena Piana, Sea Farms Aquaculture and Fisheries Technologist. “Ultimately, we want to achieve Marine Stewardship Council certification for the fishery.”


 “We’re very grateful for the efforts and support of everyone involved and for the faith and trust Sainsbury’s has placed in us to drive this project forward.”

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